Government & Regulatory Affairs

Welcome to CBAA's Government & Regulatory Affairs Update.
This new monthly update will feature our ongoing and completed advocacy initiatives in support of the Association and its members. You'll find summaries of these activities with relevant background information via links.

Members may also seek additional information on request through This is also an opportunity for members to connect with the Association and raise points of interest or concerns in the Government & Regulatory Affairs area. 

February 2025 Issue

Welcome to the February 2025 issue of CBAA Government & Regulatory Affairs Update.

In this issue, you will find various regulatory and operational updates as well as a summary of advocacy activities conducted in support of our membership that occurred in January 2025.

Government Legislative & Regulatory Initiatives

  • On 20 January 2025, we shared Transport Canada’s update to the proposed requirements regarding Assistance to Aircraft Victims & Families. This proposal was first shared with members in September 2024 as part of Transport Canada’s discussion paper and questionnaire in which they sought feedback on the Department’s proposed approach for air carriers and airports in planning to assist aircraft accident victims and their families. 

Transport Canada received 16 responses to the online questionnaire including comments from the CBAA. The consultation report is available in the What We Heard report. Transport Canada has now advised that the comments will contribute towards informing the work aiming to meet the needs of victims and their families and consult again when they publish a Notice of Proposed Amendment. The Association will advise members when published and will provide feedback as required. 

  • On 8 January we shared the Canadian Transportation Agency’s update for the designation of large and small airlines for 2025. Although the APPR do not apply to members unless they were involved in the public sale of airline seats, the following is shared with members for information. Read the full article here.


Regulatory Planning & Initiatives – The following is an update of current regulatory initiatives being considered by Transport Canada.

  • In the January 2025 issue of the Update, we shared Transport Canada’s Preliminary Issue & Consultation Assessment (PICA-2024-002) titled Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) Amendments for Alignment with the ICAO. The PICA was drafted following a recommendation by a Private Member’s Motion (M-96) to enhance the alignment of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) with the International Civil Aviation Organisation’s (ICAO) Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) on aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) at designated Canadian airports and participating airports or aerodromes by adding “rescue” to aircraft firefighters’ mandate and reducing the ARFF response time on airport runways.

Although M-96 will have died as part of the recent Prorogation of Parliament, Transport Canada is expected to pursue the matter given the reference to ICAO alignment. As such, the Association has completed its review and is sharing it with members here for information and to provide you with an opportunity to share any additional information that may be relevant to our advocacy with Transport Canada.

Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) Standards – There are no new Standards to present in this issue.

Transport Canada Advisory Circulars (AC) – There are no new ACs to present in this issue.

Canadian Aviation Safety Alerts (CASA) – There are no new CASAs to present in this issue.

Airworthiness Directives (AD) – The following ADs were issued in January 2025.

  • CF-2025-01 – Maintenance – Transport Canada has issued Airworthiness Directive CF-2025-01 on ATA 05 – Flight Controls – Uncommanded and Unarrested Flap Movement ATA 05 – Time Limits/Maintenance Checks (TLMC) – Mid-Life - Airworthiness Limitations (AWL) to Bombardier Inc. (BA) model BD-700-1A10 and BD-700-1A11 aeroplanes effective 15 February 2025. Compliance is required as described in AD.
  • CF-2025-05 – Landing Gear – Transport Canada has issued Airworthiness Directive CF-2025-05 on ATA 32 – Landing Gear – Uncommanded Steering to Bombardier Inc. model CL-600-1A11, CL-600-2A12 and CL-600-2B16 aeroplanes effective 31 January 2025. Compliance is required as described in AD.
  • CF-2025-06 – AUXILIARY POWER UNIT (APU) – Transport Canada has issued Airworthiness Directive CF-2025-06 on ATA 49 – Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) – APU Muffler Drainage Blockage Causing Fuel Leakage Accumulation to Bombardier Inc. model CL-600-2A12 and CL-600-2B16 aeroplanes effective 3 February 2025. Compliance is required as described in AD.


  • Aviation Medical Certificate Exemption Set to Expire – Transport Canada has advised that Exemption CAME-002-2023, which allows eligible Aviation Medical Certificate holders to renew their Medical Certificate via telemedicine appointments, is set to expire on March 3, 2025. Transport Canada advises that if you have a telemedicine appointment scheduled for after this date, they recommend converting it to an in-person appointment to avoid any issues with your license renewal. Transport Canada is currently assessing whether this measure should be extended. We will advise you as Transport Canada updates stakeholders.

Approved Check Pilot (ACP) / Advanced Qualification Program (AQP) Evaluator Bulletin No. 02/24

  • Transport Canada has issued an update that alleviates its ACP/AQP policy on establishing candidate(s) eligibility regarding medical certificate requirements where a PPC, MV or LOE is delivered in a Flight Simulator Training Device (FSTD). The full bulletin is available here.

The Association has written to Transport Canada to seek clarification regarding the bulletin as it has omitted CAR 604. In short, the bulletin permits pilots flying under Part VII to do a PPC without current medical which would validate their CAR 604 PCC. However, pilots flying only under CAR604 regulations must hold valid medical to undergo the same PCC check. A response will be shared with members as soon as it is received.

Master Minimum Equipment Lists (MMEL) & TC Supplements (TCS)

  • MMEL – Bombardier BD-100-1A10 – Transport Canada has issued an MMEL, Revision 7 dated 16 January 2025 for the BD-100-1A10.
  • Cirrus Vision SF50 – Transport Canada has issued an MMEL, Revision 3 dated 15 September 2023 and a Supplement, Original dated 20 December 2024 for the Cirrus Vision SF50.

To download MMELs, visit Transport Canada’s Website at TCCA MMEL-TCS.

Aviation Safety Letter (ASL) ICYMI – Transport Canada has issued ASL 4/24.

CORSIA - Reminder & Guidance Information

  • CORSIA Reminder

The Transport Canada CORSIA team has submitted (see here) a reminder that the 2024 Verified Emissions Reports and Verification Reports for CORSIA are due to Transport Canada by April 30, 2025. The Verified Emissions Report and the Verification Report must be submitted both by the aeroplane operator and by the verification body. If your 2024 operations were below the CORSIA threshold and you have not already notified TC, please advise them that you will not be submitting a report.

  • Guidance Information

 Transport Canada has advised that regulations (see here) are currently in the process of being updated. Once they are updated, the expectation will be that a member(s) of the verification team conducts an on-site visit if the risk assessment and evidence-gathering plan require a site visit to reduce verification risk to an acceptable level, and at minimum every few years. The updated regulations may specify a minimum number of years. A waiver will not be granted next year (for the reporting year 2025) to any operator who has not yet had an onsite visit since joining CORSIA. If there are outstanding requests for remote visits for 2024, please have your verification body send them in for consideration. Please advise Transport Canada, as applicable, if your operations are below the CORSIA threshold.

Nav Canada Letter to Stakeholders

  • Review of the Time in Position Fatigue Limit on Aerodrome Advisory Service Aeronautical Study

NAV CANADA has initiated an Aeronautical Study to assess the potential impact of service interruptions resulting from the Time in Position Fatigue Limit, specifically the required Time in Position breaks and mitigations associated with these breaks, at FSS during the overnight shift on users and stakeholders. The Terms of Reference document, representing the official Notice of Consultation and detailing the scope and services under review, is available through the Aeronautical Study website.

The views of CBAA members and all stakeholders are central to this aeronautical study given its scope. Active participation will maximize a thorough assessment of service requirements by NAV CANADA and is crucial in shaping the final proposal.  You are encouraged to make representations on the service under review before March 24, 2025, to

International Operations - There are no new International Operations updates to present in this issue.

Ongoing Regulatory Activities & CBAA Monitoring – On an annual basis, Transport Canada publishes a Regulatory Plan. The latest plan (Regulatory Initiatives 2024-2026) was reviewed, and a CBAA Summary & Initial Assessment was developed for member awareness. The CBAA assessment document, linked above, also includes other regulatory documents being considered such as Standards and Advisory Circulars.

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January 2025 Issue

Welcome to the January 2025 issue of CBAA Government & Regulatory Affairs Update.

We would like to wish all members and readers a Happy and Safe New Year. As Anthony Norejko reflected in the 2024 Annual Report, we have worked to improve communications and information sharing through this monthly column, an effort that we will continue in 2025. Having said this, there is always room to improve. As such, please feel free to share any ideas at

This issue includes various regulatory and operational updates as well as a summary of advocacy activities conducted in support of our membership in December 2024.

Government Legislative & Regulatory Update – In late December, the Government announced two Regulatory proposals to amend the Accessible Canada Regulations (ACRs) and Air Passenger Protection Regulations (APPRs).

  • The ACR would only apply to private sector organizations with more than 100 employees over the previous three calendar years, referred to as “small businesses” in the proposal as they would be exempted from the proposed requirements.
  • Given the Applicability section of these regulations has not changed, the AAPR would not apply to Association members who have CAR 703/704 certificates offering charters if they are not offered for resale to the public. It remains, however, important to stay vigilant, aware, and understand the proposal.

Please read the full article here if you are interested in knowing more about these two proposals or to provide comments.

Regulatory Planning & Initiatives – The following is an update on current regulatory initiatives being considered by Transport Canada.

  •  TP 308 / GPH 209 Criteria for the Development of Instrument Procedures - NPA 2024-013

Transport Canada has published proposed amendments NPA 2024-013 to TP 308 / GPH 209, Change 9.1 Criteria for the Development of Instrument Procedures. TP 308 / GPH 209 comprises the standards and criteria necessary for formulating, reviewing, approving, and publishing instrument procedures in Canada. The proposed amendments to TP 308 / GPH 209 described in this NPA are part of Transport Canada’s regular review of the manual to keep the standards and criteria aligned with those from the FAA’s TERPS. The NPA has been shared for member information and reference. Members wishing to make comments may do so in writing to no later than February 2nd, 2025.

  • Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) Amendments for Alignment with the ICAO - Preliminary Issue & Consultation Assessment (PICA) 2024-002

Transport Canada has published PICA-2024-002 titled Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) Amendments for Alignment with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) for consultation. The PICA is being shared with members as it is the result of a recommendation from a Private Member’s Motion (M-96) to enhance the alignment of the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) with the International Civil Aviation Organisation’s (ICAO) Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) on aircraft rescue and firefighting (ARFF) at designated Canadian airports and participating airports or aerodromes by adding “rescue” to aircraft firefighters’ mandate and reducing the ARFF response time on airport runways. While the Association will review the PICA to assess any possible impacts to members, comments may be submitted directly to TC in writing to no later than 11 February 2025.

  • Night Vision Imaging Systems (NVIS) – Exemption Renewal

In late December 2024, Transport Canada issued five (5) new Global Exemptions on Night Vision Imaging Systems (NVIS) applicable to CAR 604 and to Subparts 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Part VII. These exemptions are a re-issuance NCR-008-2019, which expired November 30, 2024, and are provided below:

NCR-034-2024 (NVIS) – CAR 604

NCR-035-2024 (NVIS) – CAR 702

NCR-036-2024 (NVIS) – CAR 703

NCR-037-2024 (NVIS) – CAR 704

NCR-038-2024 (NVIS) – CAR 705

The purpose of these exemptions is to allow flight crew members conducting operations under private operators, as outlined in Subpart 4 of Part VI of the CARs, and flight crew members conducting operations under Canadian air operators, operating under Subparts 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Part VII of the CARs, to permit persons from entering or leaving an aircraft in flight and to conduct a landing or take-off at night while using Night Vision Imaging Systems (NVIS).

  • Enhanced Flight Vision System (EFVS) – Briefing to Industry

Transport Canada recently hosted Q&A sessions that were attended by the Association and a wide cross-section of industry leaders on Enhanced Flight Vision System (EFVS) operations and the associated proposed global exemption from subsection 602.128 (1), and paragraphs 602.128(2)(a) and (3)(a) of the Canadian Aviation Regulations. It should be clarified that this should not be confused with the Night Vision Imaging Systems (NVIS) noted above.

An Enhanced Flight Vision System (EFVS) uses a sensor, typically infrared, to capture an enhanced image of the external scene ahead of an aircraft, which is then displayed to the pilot via a head-up display or equivalent device. EFVS enhances the visual cues available during the visual segment of an instrument approach. The exemption would enable the use of EFVS in lieu of natural vision, to acquire the required visual references to descend below published DA/DH.

The Association will review the information provided and will continue to participate in consultations.  Members are invited to review the enclosures. Members may wish to familiarize themselves with this subject by referring to the full article here and provide any comments in writing to no later than January 31, 2025.

Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) Standards – In late December, we were advised of the publication amendments to various Civil Aviation Standards that will come into effect on January 31, 2025. Transport Canada has stated that the changes aim to clarify certain requirements, correct outdated references, and codify a few longstanding exemptions. Of note to members is the amendment/introduction of 624.56 - RVSM Eligibility requirements. Full information about the amended standards is available here.

Transport Canada Advisory Circulars (AC) – There are no new ACs to present in this issue.

Canadian Aviation Safety Alerts (CASA) – Transport Canada has issued CASA-2024-13 titled Maintaining Accessibility to Portable Oxygen Bottles to operators and maintainers of all transport category aeroplanes. The purpose of this Civil Aviation Safety Alert (CASA) is to raise awareness regarding the accessibility of portable oxygen bottles, particularly in transport category aeroplanes where Transport Canada (TC) has received multiple in-service reports of portable oxygen bottles not being immediately available to the cabin crew when needed.

Airworthiness Directives (AD)

  • CF-2024-39 Flight Controls – Transport Canada has issued Airworthiness Directive CF-2024-39 on ATA 27 – Flight Controls – Uncommanded and Unarrested Flap Movement to Bombardier Inc. model CL-600-1A11, CL-600-2A12 and CL-600-2B16 aeroplanes effective 13 December 2024. Compliance is required within 60 days from the effective date of this AD unless already accomplished.
  • CF-2024-41 Time Limits/Maintenance Checks – Transport Canada has issued Airworthiness Directive CF-2024-41 on ATA 05 – Time Limits/Maintenance Checks – Airworthiness Limitations (ALI) to MHI RJ Aviation ULC. (MHIRJ) (formerly Bombardier Inc.) model CL-600-2C10, CL-600-2C11, CL-600-2D15, CL-600-2D24, CL-600-2E25 aeroplanes effective 13 December 2024. Compliance time is as indicated in the AD unless already accomplished.

Exemptions – Refer to the text above for NVIS exemption renewal and the proposed EFVS exemption.

Master Minimum Equipment Lists (MMEL) & TC Supplements (TCS)

  • Dassault Falcon 6X - Transport Canada has issued a MMEL, Revision 1 dated 29 November 2023 and Transport Canada Supplement (TCS), Original dated 10 December 2024 for the Dassault Falcon DA-6X. To download MMELs, visit Transport Canada’s Website at TCCA MMEL-TCS.

Aviation Safety Letter (ASL) - Transport Canada has issued ASL 4/24.

Nav Canada Letter to Stakeholders – The following Aeronautical Study updates describing their completion and next steps were shared with stakeholders in December 2024:

International Operations

  • European Union (EU) Entry/Exit System Update – Implementation Update Further to our earlier update notifying that the EU’s ESS was being postponed given not all States are ready (full article here). The EU has now proposed a Progressive Start of Operation of the EES. A Q&A on the proposal is available on the European Commission website. While the CBAA continues to participate in these discussions along with other Canadian and international carriers, it is important for members or their agents who plan their European travel to review and provide any feedback to the Association on the potential impacts of the proposal on their operations.  Your feedback may be provided directly to

Ongoing Regulatory Activities & CBAA Monitoring

Transport Canada Regulatory Initiatives – On an annual basis, Transport Canada publishes a Regulatory Plan. The latest plan (Regulatory Initiatives 2024-2026) was reviewed, and a CBAA Summary & Initial Assessment was developed for member awareness. The CBAA assessment document, linked above, also includes other regulatory documents being considered such as Standards and Advisory Circulars.

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December 2024 Issue

Welcome to the December 2024 issue of CBAA Government & Regulatory Affairs Update.  

In this issue, you will find various regulatory and operational updates as well as a summary of advocacy activities conducted in support of our membership that occurred in November 2024. As well, here is a short article about CBAA’s participation in the Quebec Government’s celebration of ICAO’s 80th Anniversary on 19 November 2024. 

Government Legislative & Regulatory Update – There are no new Legislative or Regulatory updates to present in this issue. 

Regulatory Planning & Initiatives – The following is an update on current regulatory initiatives being considered by Transport Canada. 

  • Safety Management Systems (SMS) Update – NPA-2024-002 

On 4 January 2024, Transport Canada (TC) published a Notice of Proposed Amendment 2024-002 regarding proposed amendments to the Safety Management System (SMS) framework in the CARs. TC has completed its review of comments and published a What We Heard Report. In response to feedback, TC has agreed that it would clarify that this amendment is primarily a recodification for Subpart 604 operators and changes to their SMS will be mostly administrative when the amendment comes into effect. The full article is here

  • Low Impact Amendments to Address ICAO Findings Update – NPA 2024-007   

On 9 May 2024, Transport Canada (TC) published NPA 2024-007 – Low Impact Amendments to Address ICAO Findings. TC has now released the What We Heard report which provides a thematic summary of the eight comments received on 18 different unique subjects.It is of note that the NPA is not expected to impact Association members beyond some documentary changes that may be needed to COMs for example. However, there may be some impact on TC-licensed pilots looking to renew their medical certification outside of Canada. The comment read: 

Foreign medical examiners: One manufacturer raised concerns about potential travel costs for TCCA licensed pilots looking to renew their medical certification outside of Canada, noting that this change will impact the availability of viable medical examiners. They recommended that TCCA exempt Federal Aviation Administration aviation medical examiners from the proposed change. 

 Transport Canada has stated that it would review this and other comments before finalizing the proposal for the Canada Gazette, Part 2 as this NPA is scheduled to move directly to final publication. 

Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) Standards – There are no new Standards to present in this issue. 

Transport Canada Advisory Circulars (AC) – There are no new ACs to present in this issue. 

Canadian Aviation Safety Alerts (CASA) 

  • Localizer Tracking Anomaly- Transport Canada has issued CASA-2024-11 titled Localizer Tracking Anomaly tooperators of MHI RJ Aviation ULC. (MHIRJ) (formerly Bombardier) CRJ100/200/440/CHALLENGER 850 AND CRJ550/700/701/702/705/900/1000 aircraft models.The purpose of this Civil Aviation Safety Alert (CASA) is to raise awareness of an issue when an aircraft fails to complete a planned turn while on autopilot to capture the localizer and overshoot the localizer centerline. 

  • Electrical Shock Hazard - Transport Canada has issued CASA-2024-12 titled Electrical Shock Hazard tooperators and maintainers of all Bombardier INC. models CL-600-2B16 (604 VARIANT) – Challenger 605.The purpose of this CASA is to provide awareness to Operators and Maintenance personnel of a potential risk of electrocution/electric shock when servicing the potable water tank on the Bombardier Inc. (BA) model CL-600-2B16 (604 Variant), Challenger 605. 

Airworthiness Directives (AD) 

  • CF-2024-38 Flight Controls- Transport Canada has issued Airworthiness Directive (AD)CF-2024-38 on ATA 27 – Flight Controls – Horizontal Stabilizer Trim Actuator (HSTA) – Incomplete Overhaul to Bombardier Inc. model BD-100-1A10 aeroplanes effective 26 November 2024. 


  • Global Exemption NCR-032-2024 – Emergency Evacuation Procedures- Transport Canada has published global Exemption NCR-032-2024 to CAR 604.223(4). The purpose of this exemption is to allow Canadian private operators operating under Subpart 4 of Part VI of the CARs to operate aeroplanes configured with fewer than 45 passenger seats without first having carried out a successful demonstration of its emergency evacuation procedures for that model of aeroplane. 

Master Minimum Equipment Lists (MMEL) & TC Supplements (TCS) 

  • Dassault Falcon DA-7X - Transport Canada has issued an MMEL, Revision 16 dated 3 March 2023 and TCS, Revision 6 dated 20 November 2024. 
  • Embraer EMB-500 - Transport Canada has issued anMMEL, Revision 7 dated 1 December 2022 and TCS, Revision 3 dated 5 November 2024. 
  • EmbraerEMB-505 - Transport Canada has issued anMMEL, Revision 6 dated 30 November 2023 and TCS, Revision 4 dated 8 November 2024.
  • Pilatus PC-12 - Transport Canada has issued an MMEL, Revision 8 dated 24 October 2024 and TCS, Revision 4 dated 19 November 2024. 
  • Daher Aerospace TBM 700 - Transport Canada has issued anMMEL, Revision 8 dated 25 Oct 2021 and TCS, Original Issue dated 4 November 2024 for the TBM 700 (A/B/C/N) (Daher Aerospace). 
  • Challenger 600 - Transport Canada has issued four (4) Temporary Revisions (TR) for the Bombardier Challenger (CL-600-2B19/-2C10/-2D15/-2D24/-2E25) as follows: 
    • TR 113 dated 10 October 2024 
    • TR 114 dated 10 October 2024 
    • TR 115 dated 29 October 2024 
    • TR 116 dated 14 November 2024 

To download MMELs, visit Transport Canada’s Website at TCCA MMEL-TCS

ICYMI - Aviation Safety Letter (ASL) - Transport Canada has issued ASL 3/24

Nav Canada Letter to Stakeholders - Reporting of Compacted Snow and Gravel Mix in NOTAMs 

  • NavCanada has issued a letter on Reporting of Compacted Snow and Gravel Mix in NOTAMs (here). It states in part the NOTAM Entry System (NES) was updated for the winter 24/25 season to no longer include compacted snow and gravel mix as a selectable option in the runway surface conditions section. The letter goes on to advise that procedures are now available to Aerodrome operators who need to report compacted snow and gravel mix. 

Therefore, Air Operators Air operators who require a statement in the RSC of compacted snow and gravel mix to complete their operation are encouraged to contact the applicable aerodrome operators and advise them of the following procedure: To report compacted snow and gravel mix as a condition, compacted snow must be entered as the runway surface description and then enter a runway remark stating compacted snow and gravel mix. 

Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) 

CORSIA Reporting (2023) - The following information is shared with members who are either affected by CORSIA or interested in the matter. The CORSIA team (see email here) has confirmed that offsetting obligations for all operators for 2023 are zero. This is because the 2023 sector growth factor is zero. Transport Canada’s CORSIA team has also begun the process for a global exemption for the Emission Unit Cancellation Report reporting requirements for 2021-2023 and will advise the industry when completed. The publication can be found here:

International Operations 

  • European Union (EU) Entry/Exit System Update – Implementation Postponed - TheEntry/Exit System(EES) is an automated IT system for registering non-EU nationals travelling for a short stay, each time they cross the external borders of any of the following European countries using the system. As such, operators wishing to enter Europe after full implementation of EES will need to be registered and use the system. For further information about the postponed implementation, please see the full article here

  • ICYMI - New FAA Policy & Possible Impact on Aircraft Acquisition - On 25 November 2024, NBAA’s Insider Daily shared a 22 November 2024 Aviation News article titled New FAA policy on document access could impact timelines of aircraft deals (here). The article is shared for awareness of Association members who may be considering acquisitions from the United States. 

Ongoing Regulatory Activities & CBAA Monitoring 

Transport Canada Regulatory Initiatives – On an annual basis, Transport Canada publishes a Regulatory Plan. The latest plan (Regulatory Initiatives 2024-2026) was reviewed, and a CBAA Summary & Initial Assessmentwas developed for member awareness. The CBAA assessment document, linked above, also includes other regulatory documents being considered such as Standards and Advisory Circulars. 

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Past Editions

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